Do you still remember the story called CAN'T YOU SEE that written by Nchaa? Well a view weeks ago I was having a boring days and I thought it wasn't a bad idea to continue the story. So here it is guys, the second part of CAN'T YOU SEE.
He left and al I could do is just starring at him as he walked away. Speechless. I didn't understand, it was to soon. I couldn't even say a word. He really meant it, it was no joke. But I couldn't just say YES to him when I didn't even know what I was feeling. I loved him, yes I did. But I just couldn't get over Koyo yet.
Prissy: "Ugh this is way to confusing, better talk to Nchaa"
So I went to Nchaa's house. She opened the door and let me in. I told her everything, every detail. Just when I finished, she looked at me with the 'you've-gotta-be-kidding-me' look.
Nchaa: "Stupid!" -she used to say that when she didn't like my idea.
Prissy: "What?"
Nchaa: "Yeah, you know; S-T-U-P-I-D? STU-PID!"
Prissy: "Reason?"
Nchaa: "You should've say YES! You know he loves you! He'll do anything for you just to make you happy. He even left his flight to philipine when he heard you were in the hospital! He left his race! And you know it for sure, he's been dreaming about that race for like... let say FOREVER. And you still don't know what to say?!" -I could possibly tell she wasn't breathing when she said that.
Prissy: "I still love Koyo"
Nchaa: "Forget him!"
Prissy: "Yeah I would if I could" -I saiad sarcasticlly.
Nchaa: "For God's sake, Priss! He doesn't even care about you! You never talk to him even once. Open your eyes, darl! Realize it, he's not the one. You're just wating your time if you leep on loving him. Forget it forget him let him stay out of your mind!" -She sounded really emosional.
Prissy: "You know? You made it sound VERY EASY."
Nchaa: "It IS easy."
Prissy: "Well, if it IS easy, tell me, why can't I do it?"
Nchaa: " Because you never try Priss." -She almost shouted.
Oyeah she caught me right there. She was right. I never try to forget about Koyo. And pluss, I kept on thinking about him more and more often now days. I guess I should try it now. I don't wanna stuck with him forever don't I?
Ugh I can't believe Prissy. I mean, how come she didn't say YES to Bebi when she allready knew that Bebi loved her so much. I hate her when she kept on talking about that Koyo guy, how much she loved him, how much she missed him, bla bla bla bla. Well, I have to admit that it was MY fault that she was in love with him, and now I really regret it.
Nchaa: "Here, let me tell you. Did Koyo ever care to you even once?"
Prissy: "No." -she said softly.
Nchaa: "Did Bebi do that?"
Prissy: "Always."
Nchaa: "Did Koyo ever talk to you even once?"
Prissy: "No." -She said even more softly.
Nchaa: "Did Bebi did that?"
Prissy: "Everyday."
Nchaa: "Did Koyo ever NOTICE you even once?"
Prissy: *shook her head*
Nchaa: "Did Bebi do that?"
Prissy: "*nodded her head*
Nchaa: "HA! You see the result here; Koyo NEVER talked, cared, even he never NOTICED you. While on the other side Bebi loves you so much that he'll do anything for you. And what was that mean? It means that you're STUPID for wasting your time for Koyo..."
Prissy: "I guess I should try"
Nchaa: "Right! Just stop all this madness about Koyo thing.. ? ... wait, what did you just say?"
Prissy: "You heard me."
Nchaa: "No. Repeat!"
Prissy: "I guess... I should... try"
Nchaa: "Really?"
Prissy: "Yeaah, I can't stuck with him forever, Can't I?"
"Stuck on you
been a fool too long I guess
it's time for me to come on home
guess I'm on my way"
it's original, it's MINE :)
Need some ideas. I will post another chapter as soon as that ideas come. Keep on reading, enjoy :D
(click for the previous chapter): Chapter 1
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